

MONA is a community founded to support experienced women and non-binary engineers in Sweden who aspire to pursue a career in technical leadership.

Beautiful Women Sitting at a Table Giving High Five



Women leaving tech jobs who cite "lack of career growth opportunities" as a reason.


More women leave the tech industry than men


Men receiving higher salary offers for the same position


Women representation among Staff+ or Tech Lead+ roles in Stockholm


Women who have 4+ years of experience in software engineering in Stockholm

Source for global data can be found here. Local data is based on our own research.

How do we reach our goal?


Know your work's value

Learn from each other

How to write Tech Strategy?

What to delegate and what to do yourself

How to choose a new technology?

4-6 people Focus Group Discussions to share experiences on technical topics that are relevant to you

Interviews and articles on relevant topics from tech professionals in Sweden

Two Women Talking

Know your work's value

Get 1-1 support to be in the right role with the right compensation in the right team/company!

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Gain insights on the Swedish salary market.

Understand how to choose a good employer & team when it is time for a change.

Get some tips on how to stay employable in an unsteady Tech market.

Receive support when you start an active job search and interviewing.


Being a member of MONA is free.

Upon joining, the first step is to have a short introduction meeting (or asynchronous communication if you prefer) to better understand you. This enables us to share the most relevant tools and activities tailored to your needs.

Once you become a member, you will receive an email with more details about our community and activities.

Learn more about our Membership Benefits.

Young Women or Friends Hugging at Summer Park

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